We can address the needs of adults in their own home, mainly those over the age of 60, and the different issues they may face. We also recognize that needs may change over time and we will adapt accordingly. This could involve special extra training for staff, ‘doubling up’ on certain calls, reviewing the length of calls or coming up with creative practical solutions to newly developing problems. We will do this in consultation with the client and their family and any other person with a legitimate interest in their wellbeing.
We provide care and support for clients funded by Social Services within the West Yorkshire Leeds, Bradford and Wakefield .
Services provided to:
Elderly People
Elderly Mentally infirm
People with sensory loss/impairment
People with mental health problems
People with physical disabilities
People with learning disabilities
We provide care and support for clients funded by Social Services within the West Yorkshire Leeds, Bradford and Wakefield .
Services provided to:
Elderly People
Elderly Mentally infirm
People with sensory loss/impairment
People with mental health problems
People with physical disabilities
People with learning disabilities
We also provide care and support for private clients across Leeds, Bradford, Wakefield, Weather by and Harrogate.
Services include:
Personal care
he Principles of Care start with the respect that people show each other. This respect is from staff to the people receiving a service, including their families, and also between staff themselves.
We also expect people to show respect to our hard working staff.
RESPECT springs from our belief that we all have our own personal histories that are a unique combination of our successes and failures, happiness and sadness. It is these qualities that give us our INDIVIDUALITY and our approach to care and support is to recognise ‘the whole person’ – much more than the performance of ‘tasks’. It also means that each member of staff is different and we welcome the fact that they can be ‘who they are’ and natural when providing care and support.
As an individual has rights it follows that there is a right of CHOICE over matters that affect them. For people using our service, the real exercise of CHOICE may be difficult. For instance, people with restricted mobility may not be able to access everywhere they wish. In providing care and support we try to increase the exercise of choice and to overcome barriers to that exercise.
Respecting people as individuals with their unique personal histories means we also actively seek to preserve their DIGNITY – especially when they are at their most vulnerable.
Finally, we recognise that people’s needs can fluctuate and change from day to day or from week to week. An important Principle of Care for us is, therefore, that of FLEXIBILITY – we adapt our services so that we provide care and support where and when it is needed most.
Everyone at Care in Wales will uphold these Principles of Care at all times – the principles of RESPECT, INDIVIDUALITY, CHOICE, DIGNITY AND FLEXIBILITY.
Need assistance? We’re available 24/7 to provide care and support whenever you need it. Whether you have questions, need urgent help, or want to discuss your care options, our team is always ready to assist you.