We provide care and support to people who, for whatever reason, can benefit from such help. It may be that people can be helped to stay in familiar surroundings at home rather than go into a residential home. It may also be that people simply want to improve their quality of life by making things easier.
While providing personal and practical assistance we also remain aware that people also have their own personal circumstances and personal background that is the context in which we provide that assistance. Our clients can be of any age over 18 but all have either a mental or physical difficulty that results in them facing difficulties regarding daily living.
We believe that by making sure that the way we do our work reflects our values, you will receive a better service. It is our hope that this practical application of human values and principles results in an agency and service that feels ‘different.’ We then will have created a real choice for people seeking Care and Support.
We go ‘beyond the tasks’ and help people live the life they want; despite the personal issues they face. Having fun, enjoying social activities, maintaining relationships, and achieving personal goals are aspirations we all have.
The broad purpose of Splendid Care Solution is to provide personal and practical assistance to people who are facing personal or practical difficulties. We do this so that people’s quality of life in their own home may be improved.
Benefits (Outcomes) we aim to bring: Comfort, Independence and Peace of Mind.
In order to provide these benefits, we work to fulfil the following Aims:
To fulfil the Aims we provide certain Services in a manner that is in keeping with our Beliefs.
With our vast experience of caring for people in their own homes we know how important it is that we find the right care workers and provide the service needed. Quality Assurance will remain at the forefront of our service, that is why we have developed the following stringent internal quality controls.
We have an excellent team of highly skilled professional care staff to look after you. Each carer undergoes continuous training that ensures that we deliver the highest quality services to you. This training includes appropriate Health & Safety issues such as Food Hygiene, Lifting & Handling and Handling Hazardous Substances.
Splendidcs Care Solution recognises that good training is an essential element in delivering a quality service. We are proud of the standard of our training, and due to demand from other care organisations, we are now established as a training provider in UK.
New staff must successfully complete the Care Certificate and Induction programme, and in addition to attending regular refresher training, they are also encouraged to attend specialist training such as Dementia Care, Medication, End of Life Care and many others to better meet their client’s needs.
All our staff start with some shadowing calls where they work under the supervision of an experienced carer to ensure they are confident and competent before they attend any calls on their own.
Once new staff have gained experience, they are encouraged and supported to obtain a Diploma in Health and Social Care.
Years Of Experience
Happy Customers
Qualified Staffs
Services Completed
The people we help (our clients and their families) fall into three categories
Younger people who may have physical or mental difficulties, or who may have poor health, but who also wish to maintain and develop their social life.
Older people who may also experience similar issues, in their case possibly including dementia, but whose priorities could be different to those of younger people.
Family and friends who are the main carers of people facing difficulties and who need a break from their responsibilities.
We are committed to offering high quality care and support services delivered with dedication, compassion and sensitivity.
Working together, we actively respect and encourage the right to independence and support people to achieve their aspirations and live full and meaningful lives.
We actively listen and respond to the people we support, promoting a culture of involvement and participation.
Splendidcs Care Solution is committed to the vision of supporting people to ‘live a better life’ which is achieved through the delivery of a good service that meets the highest standards and supports individuals to make a choice that will enable them to have independence, dignity and quality of life in the comfort of their own home.We believe that by making sure that the way we do our work reflects our values, you will receive a better service. It is our hope that this practical application of human values and principles results in an agency and service that feels ‘different.’ We then will have created a real choice for people seeking Care and Support.
We can address the needs of adults in their own home, mainly those over the age of 60, and the different issues they may face. We also recognize that needs may change over time and we will adapt accordingly. This could involve special extra training for staff, ‘doubling up’ on certain calls, reviewing the length of calls or coming up with creative practical solutions to newly developing problems.
We provide care and support for clients funded by Social Services within the West Yorkshire Leeds, Bradford and Wakefield .
Services provided to:
Elderly People
Elderly Mentally infirm
People with sensory loss/impairment
People with mental health problems
People with physical disabilities
People with learning disabilities
We also provide care and support for private clients across Leeds, Bradford, Wakefield , Weatherby and Harrogate.
Services include:
Personal care
Domestic tasks
Preparation of meals
Personal assistance
Practical and Social
Simple treatments
Cleaning Service
he Principles of Care start with the respect that people show each other. This respect is from staff to the people receiving a service, including their families, and also between staff themselves.
Service Coordinator
Managing Director
Business Manager