Independent Domiciliary Care Provider

Splendid Care Solution Limited is an independent Domiciliary Care Provider incorporated in 2017 specifically to offer a new more effective approach to care in your local community. Our management team have many years of experience in various sectors of care and are committed to ensuring you have a flexible service of the highest standard.

Splendid Care Solution Limited

Splendid Care Solution Limited is an independent Domiciliary Care Provider incorporated in 2017 specifically to offer a new more effective approach to care in your local community. Our management team have many years of experience in various sectors of care and are committed to ensuring you have a flexible service of the highest standard. 

We believe your care should be your choice and our assessors are trained to assist you in forming a care package which is person cantered, tailored to suit your individual wishes, needs and preferences.

 At Splendid Care Solution we like to get to know our service users. We know that the way you like the little things done is important and will always work with you to ensure that we get those right. We pride ourselves in taking a holistic approach to care at home, focusing not just on your wishes and care needs but on your lifestyle to create positive outcomes and promote active participation. The decisions made in your home should be yours and your choices will always be respected.

The decision to arrange care at home is not always an easy one and we strive to make this process as simple as possible.

The staff we employ are recruited for their experience, enthusiasm and motivation and for your safety rigorous and thorough checks are carried out before employment. We believe training is of utmost importance to give our care workers the skills required to meet and understand all of your needs, therefore we offer all of our staff the opportunity to attend courses delivered by a trainer, face to face. We expect our new staff to complete their training and prove themselves competent in their job role before allowing them to work independently. Splendid Care staff are supported, supervised and monitored in the community enabling us to maintain a high standard of care. You can be certain that your care worker will have the knowledge and confidence to meet your needs. 

Our staff must be kind and caring, responsible and reliable; they are expected to provide you with a professional standard of care.

Let us take the strain out of your day to day living and ensure you have the assistance you need to remain safely at home for as long as you wish. With our support we hope to help you relax and enjoy life.


These services can be provided on an hourly basis, from as little as one hour per week and up to 24 hours round the clock service, depending upon your requirements.

⦁ Personal Assistance with daily living activities such as washing and dressing.
⦁ Companionship.
⦁ Assistance with correspondence or telephone calls.
⦁ Domestic help with light household tasks. Support service enabling principal carers to have a break or go on holiday.
⦁ Shopping/ collecting pensions.
⦁ Meal preparation.
⦁ Night staff to sleep over in your home – a bed must be provided for their use.
⦁ Night staff who remain awake to assist when necessary.
⦁ Social support to provide opportunities to continue to participate and integrate in the community.
⦁ Assistance while attending hospital appointments.
⦁ 24-hour care.
Should you require a service you do not find listed above, please do not hesitate to contact us as we may be able to assist you.


An initial assessment by a senior member of staff to assess your care needs and plan a care package with your consultation and agreement before onset of care.


An initial assessment by a senior member of staff to assess your care needs and plan a care package with your consultation and agreement before onset of care.


At regular intervals our management team will visit you to ensure that our service is being provided properly and to your satisfaction. These visits will take the form of prearranged reviews and unannounced working supervisions. You will also receive regular satisfaction survey questionnaires which will enable us to monitor our quality of service.

Aims and Objectives

We believe that everyone should be able to access a high standard of care in their local community, enabling them to live safely and independently in their own home for as long as they wish. We understand that in order to relax and enjoy life, people need a service they can rely on. We recognise that every individual is unique, their needs, wishes and preferences can change from day to day, so we offer a flexible service evolving as required to remain effective.


With our vast experience of caring for people in their own homes we know how important it is that we find the right care workers and provide the service needed. Quality Assurance will remain at the forefront of our service, that is why we have developed the following stringent internal quality controls..


Splendid Care Solution provides a variety of services to a broad range of people needing care and support in their own homes, including: Elderly people.

⦁ People with physical disabilities.

⦁ People with mental problem

⦁ People with learning disability.

⦁ The very sick or terminally ill.

⦁ Existing carers who need a break.

Our Mission

Unveiling the Reasons to Choose Us

With our vast experience of caring for people in their own homes we know how important it is that we find the right care workers and provide the service needed. Quality Assurance will remain at the forefront of our service, that is why we have developed the following stringent internal quality controls.


Splendid Care Solution Limited is an independent Domiciliary Care Provider incorporated in 2017 specifically to offer a new more effective approach to care in your local community.


You may be aware of the Care Quality Commission (CQC), they began operating on 1st April 2009 and are the independent regulator of all health and social care services in England.


At Splendid Care Solution Limited it is our principle that the Health, Safety and Welfare of our Service Users and Staff is our main priority.

Our Team

Meet our expert Team

Mr. Sajid Mahmood

Business Manager

Ms. Sammie Khan

Service Coordinator

Mr. Aiah Abdulai Wusa

Registered Manager

Aiah wusa

Registered Care Manager

Mr. Wusa is responsible for the day-to-day running of the office and ensuring that the service is safe, caring, responsive, effective and well-led.

I spent 5 years working in a mental health facility and in the community as a health care assistant supporting those with mental health or learning disabilities. Following this, I became a Care Coordinator for a Domiciliary and Specialist Care Branch for 2 years.

From having experience of being a carer and operational staff, I have been able to see the demands and needs of adult social care from both sides. This has allowed me to have a better understanding of what the clients I am supporting may or may not benefit from and what steps I can implement in the background to ensure this is achievable.

I have also experienced working within a newer branch that was growing in size and server users where we would face many hurdles. This allowed me to gain the resilience to not give up and how to address difficult situations with both carers and clients whilst working towards what is best for business.

Sajid Khan

Business Manager

Sajid leads the Home Care Bradford home care office and is driven by a passion for assisting others with empathy and compassion. In 2023, Sajid made the decision to move to the social care sector with the intention of making meaningful contributions to her local communities. He said:

“My motivation to be involved in the adult social care sector stems from the desire to create a positive impact in people’s lives, drive transformative change by enhancing services, and pursue a fulfilling career dedicated to supporting individuals within communities.”

Experienced in property management in the housing sector, and in leadership as the owner of several Property, Sajid possesses a wealth of experience supporting clients and adhering to high standards. Sajid now devotes his time to delivering exceptional home care services.

Sami Khan joined Splendid Care Solution in 2024 and was new to the area and applied with a few agencies but felt Care in Leeds really stood out from the rest. Sami khan said she was over the moon when she was initially appointed as our Service Coordinator.

Sami has been working for Splendid Care Solution for over 1 years and was promoted to communication manager in 2025. Sami enjoys her role, especially working with the clients and staff and feels very valued as an employee and cannot imagine working anywhere else.


Splendid Care Solution provides a strictly confidential service. Any information we receive will be used only for the purpose for which it was given and will not be released to unauthorised persons without the prior consent of the service user. Most of the information we have concerning you and your care will be kept in your care notes at your home, however we do keep a copy at the office and should you wish to view your file held at our office this can be arranged. There are however circumstances in which it may be necessary to share information with other professional bodies in order to ensure that the best possible care is provided.
⦁ If it is in the clients’ interests to do so.
⦁ If there is a serious risk to the community.
⦁ If there has been a serious crime or the risk of one exists.
⦁ In the case of an official or legal investigation. Local Authority Adult Services may request access to your file where they are purchasing our services on your behalf.


Splendid Care Solution recognises that service users and their representatives highly value having regular carer’s visit their home. Our care plans are comprehensive and detailed to encourage continuity of care. If for any reason such as holiday or sick leave your expected care worker is unable to attend, we will endeavour to replace them with another care worker who is familiar to you and to inform you in advance.


If it should be necessary for our staff to carry out any financial transactions, for example to pick up shopping on your behalf, then a record of monies collected and payments made should be logged in the care notes and your signature obtained for correct completion of the transaction. Accurate records will protect both you and our staff. In the event of any irregularities occurring please contact the office immediately, this will enable us to rectify the situation without delay.


Our staff are not allowed to benefit financially or inappropriately gain from any person using our service. This includes being involved in writing or witnessing wills and bequests, being able to use property of our service users for personal use, being able to borrow money from our service users or being able to sell or dispose of goods belonging to our service users.


Many service users become very fond of the care worker who has been assigned to them over a long period of time and the staff are often offered gifts or gratuities. Our staff are not allowed to accept gifts, loans or gratuities from our service users so please do not feel offended if such kindnesses are refused.


Our Health & Safety Policy complies with the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 and is reviewed and amended regularly to ensure it remains in line with any changes in legislation. An initial risk assessment is carried out at every service users home before the onset of care, to provide staff with a safe working environment and any significant findings are recorded. Any changes required will then be implemented. All of our staff are given the information, instruction, training and supervision necessary to protect the health, safety and welfare of themselves and our service users whilst at work. They are also issued with an Employee Handbook which contains a summary of all of our Policies and Procedures, including Health & Safety and are obliged to bring to our attention any issues which they feel may affect their safety. We supply personal protective equipment for use whilst on duty, and our staff are expected to use it where appropriate. A summarised copy of the Health & Safety at Work Law is displayed in our office.


All of our staff are expected to wear gloves and aprons and follow infection control procedures when providing personal care in order to reduce the risk of cross infection and protect our service users.

Contact Us

Mr. Aiah Abdulai Wusa

93-99Mabgate Business Centre